What I do

As a process consultant I get to work with a broad range of clients and it may seem hard to find the golden thread of what I do.

Here is a recent attempt to capture my services under 4 headings:

Improving innovative, leadership and change capabilities in organizations

Assisting leadership teams and organisations to make sense of their environment and own behaviour, formulate strategies to become learning organisations that harness their tacit and explicit knowledge to become more innovative. Build technological and strategic management capability of public, private and academic organisations.

Building search, discovery and exploration capability in teams

Assisting teams from a range of economic and technological development organisations to  conduct search and exploration activities to better understand opportunities for change, adaptation, innovation. Build the capacity of teams to engage with a range of internal and external stakeholders to build technological and organisational capability.


Strengthen decision making for strategy, policy and development practice

Coaching of leaders to improve the learning capability of their organisations, assist leadership to develop better options despite complexity to enable decision making, policy formation, organic change and healthy organisations. This might involve social research methods such as Sensemaker, Social Network Analysis or process consulting.

Closing the gap between industry and the academia

This involves identifying unique problems in industry that can be addressed by universities, researchers and industry working together. This kind of diagnosis can originate from an university or from industry.  Sometimes I teach business leaders, other times I support researchers and the academia to understand unique problems or opportunities in the private sector.


Themes I work on

In the diagram below I tried to illustrate the different themes that I work on.


The golden triangle in the middle is where all three these themes overlap. The two main instruments I use to help my clients is the search and discovery process that I co-developed with Marcus Jenal (we call it systemic insight) and my work on instigating innovation.


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